Friday, January 8, 2010

FLIPL Database

Soldiers have learned that they have two choices when a piece of equipment comes up missing. They can sign a statement of charges (SOC) and pay a de-preciated value of the missing equipment, or they can deny responsibility and stick some staff officer with the task of trying to prove their liability by processing a FLIPL. What does the Soldier pay if he is found fi-nancially liable for the missing equipment? He pays exactly the same amount as he would have paid under the SOC. For the Soldier, the smart choice is clear: Go with the FLIPL every time.

The FLIPL process is strictly manual. The Army offers S–4s no tools for making FLIPL management easier. AR 735–5 states nine times that all entries must be made on the original Department of Defense (DD) Form 200, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss. So, S–4 shops keep typewriters handy and clerks busy with administrative tedium.

To make the FLIPL an effective deterrent to prop-erty loss, the Army must improve the way the process leverages technology. By creating a web-based FLIPL processing tool, technology can be used to connect participants, automate repetitive processes, and standardize the execution of FLIPLs.
This is the reason to request a FLIPL Log. Global Strategic Consultants has automated FLIPL tracking and automate Department of the Army Form 1659, Financial Liability Investigation of Property Loss Register, other reports to categorize the FLIPLs by age, status, or dollar value.